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Bridging the Nutritional Gap in Dog Diets: Ruji Naturals Hip & Joint Superfood Chews

May 10, 2024

What You Should Know About the Bad Side of Many Dog Food Brands

As dog owners, we only want the best for our beloved pets. We make sure they get regular check-ups, provide them with plenty of exercise and playtime, and most importantly, feed them a nutritious diet. 

However, not all dog food brands are created equal.

With so many dog food brands on the market, it can be overwhelming and confusing to choose the right one for your furry buddy.

Today, we'll discuss some common bad ingredients found in dog food and how Ruji Naturals Hip & Joint Superfood Chews can help bridge the nutritional gap in your dog's diet.

Common Bad Ingredients Found in Dog Food

When we're picking out food for our beloved dogs, a lot of us go for the convenience and promises that come with commercial dog foods. They all claim to offer "complete and balanced" nutrition, covering all our pet's dietary needs.

But, the truth?

Despite their attractive packaging and hefty nutritional claims, many commercial dog foods incorporate ingredients that could harm our pets. These foods often contain a mix of preservatives, fillers, and artificial colors, aimed more at enhancing shelf life and visual appeal than providing any substantial health benefits.

Here are some of the most common bad ingredients found in dog food:

Meat By-Products

Have you ever wondered what "meat by-products" actually mean?

Well, it's a catch-all term that includes various animal parts such as the lungs, spleen, brains, and even ground-up feathers and beaks of poultry. Basically, any leftover or undesirable parts of animals are classified as meat by-products.

Not only are these ingredients of low nutritional value, but they can also contain harmful additives and chemicals used in the processing of meat products.

Corn, Wheat, and Soy

Most commercial dog foods contain large amounts of corn, wheat, or soy as fillers. These ingredients may be cheap alternatives to real meat or vegetables, but they offer little to no nutritional value for dogs.

The inclusion of such non-nutritive substances can lead to allergies and digestive issues. While you may think that it's no big deal that your dog has diarrhea every now and then, have you considered that whenever your pet has digestive issues, it can disrupt their nutrient absorption? Over time, this can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems, especially affecting their bone and joint health.

For puppies, their stomachs are particularly sensitive and can't handle large amounts of grains. Studies have shown that grains and soy can damage dog's gut microflora, leading to leaky gut syndrome and other autoimmune disease. It also contributes to a constant malnutrition state, stunting the puppies' growth and development.

Even when you change their diet and replace the grains, the damage has already been done.

Pea Protein

For a long time, peas have been used in dog food as a source of protein. However, many companies are now using concentrated pea protein as a main ingredient to boost the protein content of their food, and are used as a substitute for many grain-free dog food products.

While peas themselves aren't necessarily harmful, the concentrated form can pose a problem for dogs. Pea protein contains phytic acid, which binds to important minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. These minerals are essential to the dog's bone and joint health, and the inclusion of pea protein in dog food hinders their absorption.

Further research has also shown that it causes gas in dogs and may be linked to a serious heart condition called dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). In general, this heart condition is a common genetic issue in large and giant dog breeds, but studies show that it has an increased presence when dogs are fed diets high in peas. In severe cases, it can even lead to early heart failure and death.

Artificial Colors, Flavors, and Preservatives

In commercial dog foods, a range of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives are commonly used to enhance appearance and extend shelf life, but they can also lead to health issues in dogs. Here's a list of some commonly used additives and their potential side effects:

Blue 2, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6: These synthetic dyes are used to make the food look more appealing to pet owners. They can cause allergic reactions and other health issues in dogs​. Artificial flavors are added to make the food more palatable for dogs but can also lead to food allergies and sensitivities​.

Artificial Preservatives

Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT): These are chemical antioxidants used to prevent food from spoiling. BHA and BHT have been identified as possible carcinogens and affect animal behavior and learning. They're also known to cause kidney damage and liver dysfunction in dogs​.

These substances can disrupt the balance of the gut flora. For instance, BHA and BHT have been linked to tumor growth in animal studies, indicating a disturbance in normal cellular functions and affecting the gut microbiome.

Ethoxyquin: Used as a preservative and a pesticide, ethoxyquin has been under scrutiny for potential health problems including liver and blood issues, allergic reactions, and possibly even cancer.

Ethoxyquin's potential to induce liver and blood issues might also compromise gut health, given the liver's critical function in detoxification and processing nutrients vital for supporting gut flora.

Propylene Glycol: Often added to maintain moisture in dog foods, it can cause skin irritation and gastrointestinal problems,​ increasing the risk of leaky gut syndrome and leading to dog allergies.

Propyl Gallate: Used alongside BHA and BHT, this chemical has been linked to tumor formation in laboratory animals​​. It's also known to cause liver damage and can affect the gut microbiome, indirectly contributing to health issues in dogs.

Potassium Sorbate: Known to irritate eyes, skin, and respiratory systems, it can also damage white blood cells and potentially cause tumors. White blood cells are crucial to bone marrow and gut integrity, which are critical to the well-being of your dog.

While these additives help preserve dog food and enhance its taste and appearance, the potential health risks they pose make it worthwhile for pet owners to seek out dog food brands that use natural preservatives and ingredients.

Natural alternatives like vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E (mixed tocopherols), and rosemary extract are safer options that can effectively preserve dog food without the associated risks of synthetic additives​.

Nutritional Deficiencies Related to Subpar Dog Food

As a result of the above-mentioned ingredients and additives, your dog may develop nutritional deficiencies. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to a range of health issues, including:

Digestive Issues

The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in digestion and absorption of nutrients. When the balance of good bacteria is disrupted due to poor diet or harmful ingredients, it can result in digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and inflammation. This can also lead to a weakened immune system, making dogs more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Immune System Issues

The gut and the immune system are closely linked, with a significant portion of the body's immune cells living in the gut. A compromised gut can result in a weakened immune system, leaving your dog vulnerable. It also means that your dog may not be able to fight off common health issues as effectively. Common signs of a weakened immune system include frequent illnesses, allergies, and skin infections.

Skin and Coat Problems

Many dog brands claim that they include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in their formulas, which are essential for maintaining a thick and shiny coat. However, they don't specify whether the source comes from animal-based or plant-based ingredients.

Plant-based omega-3s aren't as easily absorbed by dogs' bodies as animal-based sources such as fish oil or krill oil. As the largest organ in the body, dogs require proper nutrition to maintain their health.

Subpar dog food lacking essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids can lead to dry, flaky skin, excessive shedding, and dull coat. Moreover, food allergies caused by artificial additives can also lead to skin issues like hot spots and rashes. Once the skin becomes infected, the resulting inflammation can lead to a range of other health problems.

Joint Problems

As mentioned earlier, minerals such as calcium are essential for maintaining healthy bones and joints in dogs. When these minerals are hindered from being absorbed due to the inclusion of pea protein or other harmful ingredients, it can result in weakened bones and joints, leading to conditions like hip dysplasia and arthritis.

Another problem is that as dogs age, their joints become more vulnerable to wear and tear. Proper nutrition through an appropriate diet is essential for maintaining healthy joints and mobility. Subpar dog food that lacks adequate protein sources can lead to muscle wasting, leading to joint instability and pain in the long run.

Bone and Muscle Problems

A lack of adequate protein and essential amino acids in subpar dog food can seriously affect a dog's muscle mass and bone density. This not only impacts their physical capabilities and overall mobility but also their metabolic rate and energy levels.

Proteins are crucial for muscle repair and growth, and when a diet fails to provide these fundamental nutrients, dogs may suffer from muscle atrophy and weakened structures.

Furthermore, deficiency in vital minerals such as calcium and phosphorus compounds the risk, leading to brittle bones and an increased likelihood of fractures. For canine companions, especially those in their growing phase or aging pets, the promise of a balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements is vital for sustaining their vigor and well-being.

Dental Issues

Dental health is a crucial aspect of your dog's overall well-being. Just like humans, dogs need proper nutrition to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Subpar dog food with high levels of carbohydrates can lead to plaque buildup and tooth decay, causing pain and discomfort for your dog.

Even though dog dentures do exist, they aren't a natural solution and can result in costly veterinary bills. At the same time, there are very few regulations and standards for dog dentures, making it hard to determine their safety and effectiveness.

A diet lacking essential nutrients for maintaining good dental health can also lead to gum disease, which is connected to heart and respiratory issues in dogs. So, it's essential to choose dog food that promotes good dental health and meets your dog's nutritional requirements.

Cognitive Functioning

Just as with humans, a dog's diet has a significant influence on their cognitive functioning, especially as they age. Proper nutrition can support brain health, helping to maintain alertness and prevent the decline of cognitive functions. Essential fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), play a critical role in neural development and maintenance.

Unfortunately, subpar dog food often skimps on these crucial nutrients, potentially dulling a dog's cognitive abilities and responsiveness. A diet lacking in antioxidants can also contribute to cognitive decline. Antioxidants combat free radicals, which can damage brain cells and lead to cognitive impairments.

Choosing a High-Quality Dog Food

After learning about the potential health risks associated with subpar dog food, it's clear that choosing a high-quality dog food is essential for your furry friend's overall well-being. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a premium dog food:

  • Ingredient Quality: Look for whole, natural ingredients such as real meat, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid by-products, artificial preservatives, and fillers like corn or soy.
  • Nutritional Balance: Ensure that dog food provides a balance of protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals to meet your dog's specific needs.
  • Source of Protein: Animal-based proteins are more easily digestible and provide essential amino acids necessary for maintaining healthy muscles, bones, and skin.
  • Transparency: Look for brands that are transparent about their sourcing and production processes. This shows a commitment to quality and safety.
  • Age and Life Stage: Consider your dog's age and life stage when selecting a dog food. Puppies, adult dogs, senior dogs, and active breeds all have different nutritional requirements.
  • Consult Your Veterinarian: If you have any specific concerns about your dog's health or dietary needs, it's always best to consult with your veterinarian for personalized recommendations.

Remember, premium dog food may have a higher upfront cost, but investing in your dog's nutrition now can save you from costly veterinary bills and ensure a happy and healthy life for your furry friend.

Bridging the Nutritional Gap with Supplements

In addition to high-quality dog food, incorporating supplements into your dog's diet can offer further benefits, supporting areas that may need extra nutritional help. Supplements can play a crucial role in addressing specific health concerns such as joint health, digestion, and coat quality. Here are some popular supplements that might be beneficial for your dog: 

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are essential for maintaining a healthy coat and skin, reducing inflammation, and supporting brain health. Fish oil is a common source of omega-3s for dogs.
  • Probiotics: Beneficial for supporting digestive health, probiotics can help maintain a healthy gut flora, reducing gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and gas.
  • Glucosamine and Chondroitin: Both are key in supporting joint health, especially in older dogs or breeds prone to joint issues. These supplements can help to reduce pain and improve mobility.
  • Antioxidants: Vitamins E and C, among others, serve as antioxidants that help combat free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and potentially slowing the aging process.

While supplements can offer significant benefits, it's important to consult with your veterinarian before starting any new supplement regimen. They can provide advice tailored to your dog's specific needs and ensure that supplements won't interfere with any existing conditions or medications.

Benefits of Ruji Naturals Hip + Joint Superfood Supplement Chews

High-grade commercial dog food lays a strong nutritional foundation for your pet, yet dietary supplements are crucial for meeting specific health requirements not covered by diet alone.

This is where Ruji Naturals Hip + Joint superfood supplement chews come in. Made of organic, natural ingredients like Glucosamine, MSM, Turmeric and more, it provides a range of health benefits such as:

  • Support joint health and mobility
  • Improve gut health and digestion
  • Reduce inflammation and pain
  • Promote a shiny, healthy coat
  • Enhance cognitive function and brain health

Plus, these tasty chews are easy to administer and don't require any additional preparation or mixing. They can be given as a treat or mixed in with your dog's food for added convenience. By incorporating Ruji Naturals Hip + Joint superfood supplement chews into your dog's diet, you can ensure they receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health and well-being.

What's Inside Hip + Joint Superfood Supplement Chews?

Ruji Naturals Hip + Joint superfood supplement chews stand out in the supplement market due to their use of high-quality, natural organic human-grade ingredients. The formula includes:

  • Glucosamine: Sourced from natural ingredients, Glucosamine is crucial for building and maintaining cartilage, offering joint support and flexibility. It helps alleviate joint pain and supports the overall mobility of your dog, enabling them to lead a more active and happy life.
  • Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric aids in reducing inflammation throughout the body, including the joints. It can help lessen the discomfort associated with joint issues and supports overall health with its antioxidant benefits. So while your dog has better mobility, they're also less prone to other age-related diseases.
  • Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K:These essential vitamins and minerals are vital for your dog's overall health and well-being. They support healthy bones, muscles, skin, coat, and immune function.
  • Niacin:A form of vitamin B3, niacin plays a crucial role in promoting healthy brain function and nerve development.
  • Choline: Choline is important for brain health and cognitive function. It aids in the transmission of nerve impulses and is essential for maintaining the structure of cellular membranes. This nutrient can help enhance memory and learning abilities, making it a valuable addition for aging dogs or breeds susceptible to cognitive disorders.
  • Betaine: Betaine is a nutrient that aids in digestion and can help reduce the risk of digestive issues like diarrhea, bloating, and gas.
  • Arrowroot: This ingredient is an excellent source of dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting a healthy gut.

What Makes Ruji Naturals Unique?

Not many pet food brands offer human-grade ingredients, let alone organic human-grade ones, making Ruji Naturals Hip + Joint superfood supplement chews stand out in the market.

But that's not all - Ruji Naturals is dedicated to sustainable sourcing and ethical production practices. They make all their products in small batches, avoiding harmful additives and preservatives that may be present in mass-produced supplements.

Ruji Naturals is a socially responsible brand and seeks to improve on this as it grows.

Make Ruji Naturals Supplements Part of Your Dog's Routine

Incorporating supplements into your dog's diet is a simple way to support their overall health and well-being.

Ruji Naturals Hip + Joint superfood supplement chews offer a convenient, tasty solution for addressing specific health concerns, allowing you to give your furry friend the extra care they deserve.

With high-quality ingredients and a commitment to ethical practices, Ruji Naturals is a brand you can trust to provide your dog with the best supplements for their unique needs. As dog lovers and dedicated pet parents, we know that our furry friends deserve nothing but the best, and Ruji Naturals delivers just that.

From joint support to digestive health, cognitive function to immune support, Ruji Naturals Hip + Joint superfood supplement chews has it all - helping your dog live a happy and healthy life by your side.

So why wait?

Add them to your pet's routine today and watch them thrive!  


Author : Lianne Fachetti